Episode #13: Ghosting My Email List

Laura Belgray has made millions by being herself and writing some of the best story-based marketing emails.

She’s the founder of Talking Shrimp, a copywriting service, and is known for helping people find the words and courage to make their business an expression of their personality. And I’m a HUGE fangirl (There – I said it! Ha!)

In this episode, we talk about how Laura made the mistake of ghosting her email subscribers for months — only to return to them pushing a pricey offer, hoping to cash in on affiliate commissions. 

That didn’t go well. 

We chat about her approach to writing marketing emails now, the importance of building trust, why laziness is a part of her brand, how being decidedly different has helped her attract a huge following, AND her new book: Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You’re the F-ing Worst’.


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Episode #14: Reflections on 5 Years in Business & 6 Figures in 4 Months


Episode #12: Seeking Internet Fame